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Join the Program and Rediscover Your Confidence

A Results-Driven Training Method

We're confident enough to say, we have one of the best gymnastics programs for CrossFit training on the market! All of our programs are month-long and will feature 4 different movements. There will be a step for step, with drills to practice, to ensure you the smoothest road to your next muscle up or toes to bar


We also deliver video instructions for all exercises, in our system, see more about TrueCoach here​!


What is the level?

To ensure you're progression the smoothest we've divided our program into 3 levels.


Beginner: Kipping Pull-Up, Kipping Knee to Elbow, Kipping Ring Dips & Kipping Handstand Push-Ups


Intermediate: Butterfly Pull-Up, Kipping Toes to Bar, Bar Muscle Up & Rope Climbs


Elite: Butterfly Chest to Bar, ring Muscle Up, Handstand Walk & Pistol Squat


69,- for active ICEFIT Members

99,- Standard Price

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